Practiced for about 2,500 years in the Chinese and eastern culture, acupuncture is an effective technique for maintaining, restoring and promoting the health and energy for people of all ages and gender. According to the Chinese theory, our physical and mental health is maintained by the flow of energy, beneath the skin, throughout the body, which they refer to as Qi or Chi (pronounced as Chee). The acupuncturist inserts fine needles at various pressure points in order to restore the flow of energy and relieve the body of any ailment. There are more than 1000 acupuncture points, located along channels of energy, known as meridians.
Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?
The question arises in the minds of many, is acupuncture perfectly safe during pregnancy? Since the method does not involve taking any drug or medicine, it is preferred over many other methods to treat the various ailments during pregnancy. But one should get treatment only by a certified and licensed professional.
How Can Acupuncture Help During Pregnancy?
A wonderful moment in any woman’s life, pregnancy brings with it its own set of ailments, including morning sickness, fatigue, edema, sciatica and back pain and others. Acupuncture is effective for all these issues. Morning Sickness – Morning sickness accompanied by vomiting and nausea is a common issue during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is coupled with a few other digestive tract issues such as heartburn, hemorrhoids and constipation. Acupuncture has proved to be very effective against these issues. It stabilizes the stomach Qi, helping it to function properly.
Fatigue – Even though the mother might be at rest, the constant demand of the growing fetus poses pressure on her health resulting in fatigue and exhaustion. Besides resting and eating healthy food, acupuncture also helps in restoring energy flow throughout the body and keeping the internal organs working effectively.
Edema – The second and third trimester of pregnancy is usually accompanied by mild swelling of the hands, ankles and feet, and can also extend to the face and legs. There are different types of Edemas, known as Yang edema and Yin edema, which are further divided into different categories. The Acupuncturist identifies the deficiencies that are causing the edema and uses herbs and acupuncture techniques to provide effective treatment.
Rhinitis Of Pregnancy – Those on contraceptives and also those during their pregnancy can experience nasal congestion due to hormonal effects. Most decongestion drugs are not prescribed during pregnancy. Therefore, acupuncture is the best way to treat this ailment.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Due to the flow of excessive fluid throughout the body, the median nerve might get compressed resulting in swelling, known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is quite common, but unfortunately Western methods do not have any other treatment options other than having an operation. Acupuncture therapy is definitely very useful in this case.
Due to the effectiveness of acupuncture, it is being practiced in almost every country across the globe. Many pregnancy clinics in Australia also offer acupuncture treatment. There are a number of popular clinics for pregnancy acupuncture Brisbane. The fertility acupuncture clinic Brisbane is known to treat fertility related issues using acupuncture techniques. But remember to check out the credentials of the practicing acupuncturist too, while checking the details of acupuncture clinic Brisbane.