Acupuncture is a therapy that seeks to improve your health and also how your body functions. The therapy aims, through the process of natural healing to lessen bodily aches and pains. Apart from reducing pain, acupuncture also helps in reducing nausea, that a patient may experience directly after surgery and chemotherapy. Still, a lot of people are apprehensive about acupuncture and avoid using this therapy. In this article we have come up with some important facts about acupuncture and the treatment procedure.
In spite of being a traditional form of treatment, acupuncture is being widely used to treat various physical ailments, ranging from sporting injuries to irritable bowel syndrome. Unlike the modern treatment procedures (which include taking medicines), acupuncture mainly involves the insertion of needles into particular areas of the body as per the diagnosis.
Four Types of Acupuncture
There are mainly four different aspects to Acupuncture Therapy, which are discussed below:
Cupping: In this technique, the acupuncturist uses a glass cup or bamboo jar in order to suck the body tissue and fluid. It can also be used with electro-acupuncture, which enhances the effects. It promotes proper circulation and relieves body aches and pains in the back, neck and shoulders. It also treats colds and flu.
Moxibustion: Is a therapy which essentially uses a Chinese herb, Mugwort or Artemesia Vulgaris to transfer heat into distinct areas of the body. The plant is rolled into a stick resembling a cigar and lit with a matchstick. It is held over particular acupuncture points on the body and primarily used to treat symptoms such as body aches and pains.
Electro Acupuncture: As the name suggests, involves the transmission of electrical currents with the help of acupuncture needles into specific parts of the body. This acupuncture therapy aims at reducing inflammation and pain. It also facilitates the process of healing tissues from the core. This is mostly used in conjunction with other forms of acupuncture therapy and is a wonderful antidote to treat swelling and pain.
Tui Na: Derived from Chinese medical science, is a popular acupuncture therapy used throughout the world. It is a traditional massage/physical therapy which is particularly popular in China. It works wonders for the treatment of various musculo-skeletal conditions.
Acupuncture Treats the Following Physical Conditions
As mentioned earlier, acupuncture treats a wide variety of ailments that if left untreated could become fatal at times. Here’s a list of some of the conditions treated with acupuncture.
In Queensland, there are plenty of Acupuncture Clinic Brisbane, each of which boast at offering high-class and quality treatment, thus providing you with a speedy recovery from all your plysical ailments. So what are you waiting for? Look for the clinics on the internet and schedule an appointment with the experts today!
In spite of being a traditional form of treatment, acupuncture is being widely used to treat various physical ailments, ranging from sporting injuries to irritable bowel syndrome. Unlike the modern treatment procedures (which include taking medicines), acupuncture mainly involves the insertion of needles into particular areas of the body as per the diagnosis.
Four Types of Acupuncture
There are mainly four different aspects to Acupuncture Therapy, which are discussed below:
Cupping: In this technique, the acupuncturist uses a glass cup or bamboo jar in order to suck the body tissue and fluid. It can also be used with electro-acupuncture, which enhances the effects. It promotes proper circulation and relieves body aches and pains in the back, neck and shoulders. It also treats colds and flu.
Moxibustion: Is a therapy which essentially uses a Chinese herb, Mugwort or Artemesia Vulgaris to transfer heat into distinct areas of the body. The plant is rolled into a stick resembling a cigar and lit with a matchstick. It is held over particular acupuncture points on the body and primarily used to treat symptoms such as body aches and pains.
Electro Acupuncture: As the name suggests, involves the transmission of electrical currents with the help of acupuncture needles into specific parts of the body. This acupuncture therapy aims at reducing inflammation and pain. It also facilitates the process of healing tissues from the core. This is mostly used in conjunction with other forms of acupuncture therapy and is a wonderful antidote to treat swelling and pain.
Tui Na: Derived from Chinese medical science, is a popular acupuncture therapy used throughout the world. It is a traditional massage/physical therapy which is particularly popular in China. It works wonders for the treatment of various musculo-skeletal conditions.
Acupuncture Treats the Following Physical Conditions
As mentioned earlier, acupuncture treats a wide variety of ailments that if left untreated could become fatal at times. Here’s a list of some of the conditions treated with acupuncture.
- Different Bronchial conditions
- Sinusitis and Rhinitis
- Acute tonsillitis
- Sore throat
- Digestive system disorders
- Toothaches during post-extraction and gingivitis, hiccoughs and mouth ulcers
- Paralytic ileus, colitis, Diarrhoea, constipation
- Duodenal ulcers, gastritis, gastric hyper acidity
- Gynaecological and obstetric problems
- Urogenital disorders
- Skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Eye conditions
- Psychological Conditions
In Queensland, there are plenty of Acupuncture Clinic Brisbane, each of which boast at offering high-class and quality treatment, thus providing you with a speedy recovery from all your plysical ailments. So what are you waiting for? Look for the clinics on the internet and schedule an appointment with the experts today!